Dentální hygiena Willowdent Praha 5 logo
Dentální hygiena Willowdent Praha 5 logo
Let us return your smile!

Would You like a beautiful and healthy smile?

Would You like a beautiful and healthy smile? The most of oral problems are caused by the presence of tooth plaque and tartar. Leading problems such as dental caries, gum inflammation, bad breath odor or oral periodontitis can be prevented with good oral hygiene. Dental doctors primarily fix the consequences of insufficient oral hygiene. Save your money and uncomfortable moments with the dentists drill. Take responsibility for your teeth before any serious consequences happen.

Visit the oral hygiene practice willowdent.

Oral hygiene practice willowdent

WillowDent is an oral hygiene practice founded by Jana Vrbová in 2019, located in Prague 5. We emphasize precision, gentleness and fine treatment at the same time.

Oral hygiene shouldn’t be painful, but should be done thoroughly. Our aim is to make people look forward to oral hygiene as a relaxing experience. The output is a comprehensively examined patient informed of his oral condition plus an individual selection of his oral aids.

#precision #fineness #individuality #knowledge
willowdent - Praha 5

Gift Cards

A beautiful, healthy smile as a gift. You can purchase a dental hygiene gift certificate, in the value of your choice. If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact me +420 602 267 637 or by email. The voucher is not a problem to send by post.
We accept
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Dental hygienists willowdent

I’m a perfectionist with nine year experience in periodontology. My number one priority is thorough, gentle and fine treatment.
Bc. Jana Vrbová, DiS.
Jsem perfekcionista s devítiletou praxí na parodontologii. Mou prioritou je důkladné a zároveň šetrné a jemné ošetření.
Bc. Jana Vrbová, DiS.

To your service

The examination begins with your teeth, parodont , gum, other soft tissue, oral cavity and level of your oral hygiene check up. Based on the check up a treatment is settled. Afterwards we proceed to remove the tooth stone and soft coatings using ultrasound and hand tools. This procedure is followed by the removal of pigmentation with a polishing paste. The final step is application of fluoride enamel boosting foam. 

Equally important part is the selection of suitable dental aids directly for your needs and also a demonstration of the right cleaning techniques. We will try out everything together and you will go home fully informed with a beautiful smile.

Dental hygiene pricing

Initial Examination ─ adult (50 - 80 minutes)

Aim of the initial examination is, in addition to the routine treatment, individual selection of dental aids and demonstration of the proper cleaning techniques (does not apply only if you already visited another practice and your level of dental hygiene is very good).
2 000 Kč

Regular WillowDent Visit ─ adult (40 - 60 minutes)

We will maintain you teeth and gums in a good condition on a regular visit. It consists of evaluating and correcting your at home oral hygiene and of a routine treatment. Recommended to be repeated every 3 to 6 months.
1 690 Kč

Initial Kids examination 13 - 17 yo

1 600 Kč

Regular Kids examination 13 - 17 yo

1 400 Kč

Kids examination < 12 yo

1 200 Kč

Pigment Removal (within 20 minutes)

This treatment is for removing any pigment stains caused by tea, coffee, red wine, smoking, etc. . It can be also done without the complex oral hygiene routine (unless recommend). The price depends on the scale. I don't use the Airflow.
400 - 600 Kč

Conservative Periodontitis Treatment (60 - 90 minutes)

Based on your condition, we will set a treatment plan where you will be given information about the required time and financial demands. The treatment consist of thorough in-depth cleaning of periodontal pockets using hand tools. Sometimes co-operation with a paradontoloigst is required. The price is set based on the stage of gums disease and the number of treated teeth.
2 500 Kč
We only accept payments in cash and QR Payment!